About Us

Are you new to the area? Are you craving lifelong friendship and support? Are you looking to have fun while making a difference? After a lockdown due to the covid 19 pandemic, the Juniors are ready to dive back into the deep pool of fun times.

Who are the Juniors? In a nutshell, the La Cañada Junior Women's Club is a women's networking and social club that donates to local philanthropies to benefit women and children. We are women who are young at heart, have each other's back and are there for you when you need us. The Club was formed in 1969 by Jane Napier Neely.

Who are we

Our calendar year runs from September through May.

  • Board meetings are usually held the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00p.m. via Zoom.

  • General meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month. Social begins at 7:00p.m. - 7:30p.m. and the meeting begins at 7:30p.m.

  • Download our trifold Here

  • Questions? email the club:     lcjwclub@yahoo.com