
The La Cañada Junior Women’s Club is currently renewing memberships for 2022-2023. In accordance with our mission, The Juniors will continue to offer support that benefits women and children. 

Are you new to the area?  Are you craving lifelong friendship and support?  Are you looking to have fun while making a difference?  After a lockdown due to the covid 19 pandemic, the Juniors are ready to dive back into the deep pool of fun times.  Who are the Juniors?  In a nutshell, the La Cañada Junior Women’s Club (LCJWC) is a women’s networking and social club that donates to local philanthropies to benefit women and children.  The Club was formed in 1969 by women who were in the local Newcomers Club back in the 1960’s.

Our featured philanthropies are Mending Kids and and the Corita Art Center.  Mending Kids gives sick children life-saving surgical care, while advancing education and training towards medical sufficiency in their communities. The Corita Art Center will bring necessary creative tools to aid in the development of children in their formative years.

Scroll down to find the Provisional (New) Member application and payment link, renewing member application and payment link and associate member application and payment link.

Membership Opportunities


    Please make checks payable to LCJWC and mail checks to: LCJWC, C/O Provisional Membership Director or email:

    P.O. BOX 1132, La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91012

    If you are interested in joining the Juniors as a provisional member, please call The Provisionals Membership Directors:

    Hilary Petrizzo (858) 692-8869

    Sarah Lowe (818) 807-4924

    2022/2023 Provisional Membership Application Form


    Please make checks payable to LCJWC and mail checks to:

    LCJWC Membership Director, Amy Nespor

    P.O. Box 1132, La Cañada Flintridge, Ca 91012 or email: by November 19, 2023.

    You may also download an application below, email it to Amy and pay by clicking the donate button. Just make a note that you are paying your dues in the comment section. Annual dues are $100.

    Please call Amy at: (818) 726-2410 if you have any requestions regarding your renewal.

    2022-2023 Membership Renewal Form


    Please make checks payable to LCJWC and mail checks to: Amy Nespor, Membership Director.

    P.O. Box 1132, La Cañada Flintridge, CA 910112 Email: by 11/2023

    You may also download an associate member application below, email it to Amy and pay by clicking the donate button. Just make a note that you are paying your dues in the comment section. Annual dues are $50.

    Please call Amy at: (818) 726-2410 if you have any requestions regarding your renewal.

    2022-2023 Associate Membership Renewal Form